Este projeto foi financiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais – FAPEMIG. A sua aprovação ocorreu no final de 1997, mas a liberação dos recursos apenas no ano 2000 devido à crise econômica à época.
Prof. Lauro de Vilhena Brandão Machado Neto, M. Sc. (PUC/Minas)
Department of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunication
Prof. Porfírio Cabaleiro Cortizo, Ph.D. (CPDEE-UFMG)
Prof. Pedro Francisco Donoso Garcia, Ph.D. (CPDEE-UFMG)
Centre for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Prof. Flávio Maurício de Souza, M. Sc. (PUC/Minas)
Department of electronic Engineering and Telecommunication
Prof. Marcley Lazarini Pereira, M. Sc. (PUC/Minas)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Osmano Souza Valente, Eng. (FIAT Automobiles)
Product Engineering
Riccardo Groppo, Eng. (Research Centre, FIAT, Italy)
Project electronic Hardware
Taking into account interests of the parts involved, CRF-Italy, FIAT, PUC/Minas and UFMG, and the group’s previous experience, the following aims can be established:
1. Research into topologies of dc/dc switching converters to feed electronic control centres of injection systems of automotive engines.
2. Research into contrl strategies for dc/dc switching converters.
3. Development of prototypes of dc/dc switching converters.
4. Qualification of human resources in the area of Embarked Power Electronics: scientific initiation, Master’s and Ph.D.
The influence of the electric system on the performace and price of automobiles and the goverment programmes for the development of new vehicles has impelled automobile industries to replace mechanical by electronic Áctuators. find alternatives to the current system in direct current, inclrease safety and comfort standards and meet the growing demand for automotive engines with sofisticated performances such as fuel consumption reduction, low pollution levels, high safety level, and diagnosis capacity while keeping torque, power and driveability.
With the growing use of electronic systems in automotive applications, demand is obtained by means of high-sfficiency feeding sources to optimize battery energy as well as to reduce energy dissipation. Linear regulators are currently used, for example, to feed the electronic control centre of the automotive engine injection sistem. They presents an excellent transitory response, low ripple, simple implementation and low efficiency.
The use of switching dc/dc converters is a priority in automotive systems. Among the great challenges to be faced can be mentioned the transitory response and ripple optimization, implementation simplification and reliability.
The application of this project consists of a feeding source for the electronic control centre of the injection system of an automotive engine. This feeding source is also appropriate to feed the electronic control entre of a suspension system, etc. When the engine starts, the feeding source is submitted to swift variations in the battery voltage, due to the mechanical system inertia, and the battery voltage falls to extremely low levels. The maximum voltage that can be reached by the battery is twice as much as the input rated voltage, which happens when two batteries are placed in series, a requisite established by most car manufacturers.
The obtention of symmetrical voltages is essential to simplify the project of tht electronic control centre. With the use of switching ddc/dc converters, symmetrical voltages can be more easily obtained, so as to simplify the project of new electronic control centres.
This project aims at offering subsidies to solve the various problems mentioned above.
Resumo (abstract)
Este relatório apresenta o desenvolvimento de três aplicações da eletrônica de potência para sistemas automotivos. As aplicações consistem de: caracterização, simulação e avaliação do sistema elétrico de um veículo de passeio popular, desenvolvimento de um conversor com modulação por largura de pulso para partida suave do eletro- ventilador do sistema de refrigeração do motor de combustão e desenvolvimento de um conversor chaveado com múltiplas tensões e função de controle não-linear para alimentação de unidades de controle eletrônico automotivas. Foram utilizadas no desenvolvimento destas aplicações ferramentas de automação de projetos eletrônicos – Electronic Design Automation – EDA, que permitiram a otimização da metodologia e do tempo de desenvolvimento do projeto. Este conjunto de aplicações vem confirmar a tendência atual no ambiente de desenvolvimento de sistemas automotivos de incorporação de novas tecnologias, tais como: sistema elétrico em 42 V, controle de tração, direção assistida, navegação, etc.
Propostas do projeto em português e inglês
Relatório Final
MACHADO NETO, L. de V. B.; GONTIJO, M. C.; SCHIRM, R.; SALLES, E. L.; NOGUEIRA, A. A. M.; CALDERARO, D. C. Developing Applications in Power Electronics: Automotive Systems. In: MUG International Conference, 2002, Denver, Colorado, EUA. 18 Mentor Graphics Users Group International Conference. 2002. v. 1. p. CSD1-CSD6.
MACHADO NETO, L. de V. B.; GONTIJO, M. C.; NOGUEIRA, A. A. M.; ALVES, L. L. Aplicações da Eletrônica de Potência em Sistemas Automotivos. In: Congresso SAE Brasil 2002, 2002, São Paulo. 11 Congresso e Exposição Internacionais de Tecnologia da Mobilidade. 2002. v. 1. p. EE1-EE8.
MACHADO NETO, L. de V. B.; NOGUEIRA, A. A. M.; SIGNORINI, H. E.; ALVES, L. L.; GONTIJO, M. C. Automotive Electric Characterization and Development of a Soft Start Converter for the Electric Fan of the Refrigeration System. In: 7 Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência, 2003, Fortaleza. Anais do 7 Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência - COBEP'2003, 2003. v. 1. p. 78-83.