Higher education program: electronics design automation tools agreement Mentor Graphics Corporation/USA-PUCMinas/Brazil, Lauro de V.B. Machado Neto, Denilson L. Rodrigues, Elizabeth M.D. Pereira, Flavio Mauricio de Souza, Polytechnic Institute of PUC Minas - Brazil Power Electronics Laboratory, Brazil
2.3. Introducing IT in the laboratory, feedback from experience
Some Departments made the choice to use IT in teaching the laboratories. Some laboratories are distance - virtual - laboratories. Explanation of actual realisation, feedback from experience
Panel discussion chaired by: Prof. T Undeland, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Panel members:
– Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University - Institute of Energy Technology Dept. of Electrical Engineering Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark – Lauro de V.B. Machado Neto, Polytechnic Institute of PUC Minas - Brazil Power Electronics Laboratory, Brazil
– Ronnie Belmans, K.U.Leuven Dept. of Electrical Engineering - div. of electrical energy, Leuven, Belgium